June 11, 2009

Genesis 22 and 23
Psalm 5 and 6

Genesis 22--perhaps my least favorite story in scripture? Certainly my least favorite in Genesis. And proof that Sarah didn't get to write any of this story. Can you imagine, after waiting for decades for your only child to be born, to find out that your husband was planning on following God's instructions to SACRIFICE him on an altar?!
And, don't you wonder what Isaac's relationship was like with his father after the almost sacrifice? How would you get along with your dad after that?
Luckily for all, God sends a substitute for Isaac and then the blessing is reiterated.

Genesis 23--After Sarah dies, Abraham acquires land in which to bury her. The first toe hold in this foreign land is burial land. Sarah, at burial, becomes the first person to not be a sojourner.

Psalm 5 and 6--Consider using the texts of the psalms as your morning prayers. Read one through all the way. What did you notice?
Read it through again and see which verse or phrase grabs you. Ponder that for a while and offer up your prayers to God for the insight it offered you.


  1. And, until I reread it I forgot all about the second wife and kids of Abraham... we always forget those guys.

    as a side note, I think Abraham calling Sarah his sister so he does not get killed shows a lack of faith that God will keep them safe. TWICE!

  2. Yes, Abraham, like the rest of us, seems to have some control issues. Repeated illustrations of how he doesn't trust God to take care of the situation better than he could do it himself.
    And he is no model for a "biblical view" of marriage.
