November 19, 2009

2 Chronicles 8 and 9
Acts 13

Solomon's wisdom and success are writ large in this text, but it is hard for me to read about his golden shields, etc, and not think, "I bet we could have made some better decisions with our money, Solomon." I recognize that I could make better decisions with my money too, but how do we discern when the gold we're spending glorifies God or when it glorifies our own egos?

The Bar-Jesus story is a little confusing. His name means "son of Jesus". Presumably not son of our Jesus, but of some other guy named Jesus. The confusion is in saying the translation of his name is Elymas. Because it isn't. Not sure what's up with the text here.
But I digress.
What do you think of their tactics to bring joy to the Gentiles while angering the establishment? What would be a modern equivalent?

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