October 30, 2009

2 Kings 10 to 12
Ephesians 5

Boy am I glad I'm not a son of Ahab. Jehu embarks on a serious cleansing program--killing any descendants of Ahab and murdering all of the prophets of Ba'al.

And in the other half of the country, a seven year old takes the throne. This passage would be a bad stewardship text. The priests are given money for repairs, but don't make the repairs.

In this whole "wives be subject to your husbands" text, people who want to keep women "in their place" only quote the first half of the argument. The writer of Ephesians writes a very balanced argument. Yes, wives should be subject to their husbands, but husbands should love their wives as they love their own bodies. This was a very counter-cultural message at the time it was written.

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