Aug 18, 2009

Deuteronomy 10 and 11
Luke 12


How do you compare Micah 6:8 with Deut 10:12? In both verses, the author asks the people, "what does the Lord require of you?" How different do you see the answers?

And in 11:18, they restate the instructions about teaching the commandments to the children and writing them on the doorposts of the houses. How could you better participate in teaching the children? Either at church or in your family?


There is something "true" in this chapter. The crowd tramples on one another, which must have been the reality anytime thousands of people started following Jesus around. And then Jesus' words. They aren't very, well, polished and politically correct. This is Jesus on a bit of a rant. He barely takes a breath. Like he's running out of time and perhaps, patience.
I'm sort of wondering what the people were thinking when they interrupted him to ask their questions. In v 13, someone asks Jesus to take sides in an inheritance dispute. And then in v 41, Peter asks him what he's talking about, or to whom is he speaking. I can almost see the look in Jesus' eyes at both of those questions. "Really? You want to ask me this right now? Really?"
In verse 35, Jesus tells the parable of the bridesmaids and the lamps in a way that suggests it is a story that the crowd would already have known. Do you see that too?

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