Aug 25, 2009

Deuteronomy 25 and 26
Luke 17

Whenever people tell me they take the Bible literally, I wonder if they obey Deut 25. Are you really going to marry your sister in law when your brother dies?
In chapter 26, "a wandering Aramean" is a code for Jacob. And notice, again and again, how they are reminded of the exodus when being directed. The exodus is the narrative of the Hebrew people.

What does faith the size of a mustard seed mean to you? Mustard seeds are very small. Grow into big plants. So, on one level, I do hear Jesus saying that with even a little faith, you can do great things. But reading the request the disciples made of him, "Increase our faith!", makes me wonder if Jesus was saying, "you're asking me the wrong question." Maybe we shouldn't be asking for our faith to be increased. Perhaps we should just get busy with the faith we already have, and quit waiting around for the "perfect" amount of faith.

And compare Luke's "Son of Man" discourse with that in Matthew 24. What do you notice?

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