Aug 8, 2009

Numbers 26 and 27
Luke 5

Here's another census. 600,000 Israelites. That would be like taking the entire Treasure Valley on a march across the desert wilderness. Notice that Korah, the person who argued for the "priesthood of all believers" unsuccessfully a few chapters ago is mentioned again. Just in case anyone was getting ideas about interpreting holiness differently.

Chapter 27 is interesting. Don't let it get lost in the midst of the lists. Some daughters come to Moses, arguing that just because their father died, and had no sons, his name shouldn't be lost. So Moses takes their case before God and God sets down some rules to allow for inheritance if you don't have sons. This is a pretty radical set of guidelines for their day.
In a world where women most definitely did NOT inherit, and had no voice in any part of their lives, women were set to inherit their father's lands ahead of the brothers or other male members of the father's extended family. One small step for women's rights!

Chapter 5 opens up on Lake Gennesaret, which is another name for the Sea of Galilee.

Notice how much Luke mentions Jesus' ministry of healing. And notice the connection between healing and "your sins are forgiven". Do we separate illness from sin today?

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