Aug 21, 2009

Deuteronomy 17 and 18
Luke 14


Do you ever wonder if the line between "soothsaying" (which is forbidden) and "prophesying" (which is not) was a fine line? The Old Testament prophets were not fortune tellers like Nostradamus, making predictions about the future. They were speaking about the events of the day and casting the consequences of those events into the future. But I wonder, if for the average person in Jericho, if it was difficult to discern between the two sometimes.

Does the wedding dinner story in Luke 14 bother anyone else? Does Jesus tell people to sit in the lowest seat so they may be invited "up" and given public honor? I know honor and shame were much bigger parts of his culture than they are in mine, but really? Couldn't he have said, "sit at the lowest seats so that you can sith with people you wouldn't otherwise meet?" Luke's stories don't always sit right with me.

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